Happy Birthday Kitty

On December 6th, 2008 my niece Kiya Jade Tekeste was born. She was the tinniest girl with the brightest light and I adored watching my sister become a Mom. Our perfect little Eritrean princess battled many health issues and passed away at 24 days old.

On the day Kiya was born, a friend of mines older sister Lisa gave birth in the same hospital to a little baby girl named Edee. Edee and Kiya not only shared the same birthday but also their first few days of life together in the NICU. My sister was at the hospital 24/7 and it was comforting to know Lisa was always there if Tiffany needed anything.

Nine years ago today, Quinn and I completed our training and were given the green light to begin our fostering journey. We didn’t have children of our own so we put a call out to friends looking for toys and clothes to add to our home. Lisa talked to Edee about what we were doing and her big-hearted five year old was eager to give up some of her own toys to share with our future foster kids. I went to their home and watched Edee go through her room gathering bags upon bags of everything she thought another child may enjoy, even some of her very favourite toys.

Little did I know as I unpacked that bag, Edee’s stuffed white kitty would become the most adored toy our house has seen in nine whole years. Our very first foster boy was twelve years old. One of his first evenings in our home, I found him curled in bed sound asleep snuggling this stuffy. When kids would leave our home, we would let them take a few toys along with them. From day one though, that kitty seemed so special, we wanted to keep her for all of the future kids to enjoy as well.

Soon Quinn and I started our family, Halen played with this kitty but was never particularly attached, Nicco however adored it. That kitty went with him everywhere. When Charlie was born, Nicco was so enamoured with love for his baby sister, he gave her the best gift he had to offer, his kitty. Charlie would be lost without Kitty by her side; not a single sleep, road trip or emotional meltdown would be doable without the comfort and companionship of Kitty.

As much as Charlie loves Kitty, I do too. I love knowing where Kitty came from, and how many kids have found comfort in her. I love that Kitty was gifted from the only girlfriend my niece got to have. When I see Kitty, I think of Edee and the power of little girls with big love. It is a forever heartache my children don’t get the privilege of life alongside their big cousin but in some small way, this kitty feels like a piece of Kiya – a daily reminder of my perfect niece.

For a few days now Charlie has begged to throw a birthday party for Kitty since she’s never had one before (which as it turns out is life’s biggest travesty in Charlie’s world). We decided to do the party today and when I looked back on my Facebook memories I saw that nine years ago to the day Kitty came into our family, I couldn’t help but smile at the coincidence. Life is painful and beautiful all at once. Today took me off guard at how special it was to celebrate Kitty, but as it turns out, this Kitty was definitely worth the celebration!

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